Doug's Run to the finish

2,000 patients under the age of 25 die of SCA every year in the U.S.

- the Center for Disease Control (CDC).


Our Impact

SCA can occur in seemingly heathy young people, in their teens and twenties, that are very active, especially in sports. About 1 in 500 youth are affected by a heart condition (that is unknown) and it accounts for a third of SCA in young athletes... a study by (Health.Mil).

These heart conditions go undetected in athletes for years until its to late mainly because heart exams/screenings are not on the sports physical forms... Our missions is to bring that to the forefront. Bringing awareness will save live. Screening our young athletes gives them a fighting chance.  

If your athletes are experiencing these symptoms:

  • Abnormal heart rhythm

  • Chest pains

  • Fainting

  • Unexplained pain in the arms neck jaw and stomach after or during a workout or game

  • Severe shortness of breath

Go see a doctor. Your child’s pediatrician will refer you to a heart specialist that is covered by your insurance.


Ready to help?

